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by Kai Yiu 9-95
The objective of the ministry :
- To help them knowing more about God slowly and slowly .
- To help them knowing more about the teaching of the Bible as related to their own life
- To help them appreciating the beauty, authority and infallability of the Bible.
- To help them developing the habit of finding the answers of life from the Bible themselves.
- To experience warm fellowship
- To establish the basic foundatioin in Christ: the SPIRITUAL WHEEL
- Our goal : is on the person and not on our programme, project or syllabus. (Otherwise, we use the students to accomplish our goals )
Knowing the characteristics of the students:
- The most important thing is that we should not give them a boring feeling in the religion. It is a great mistake and even a stumbling stone to them if they get the impression of boring and pressure especially at the very beginning when they first know the religion.
e.g. meetings too long, too many readings in the meeting, Bible seems to be hard to understand, too many preaching, lack of enough conversations, too much pressure in attending churches,.....
- They need encouragement and remindance to attend the meetings but we must give them enough freedom to choose.
- They want to join in a group that have warm relationship, with joy, jokes, questions and answers, care, love, space to express their ideas......
- They grasp the truth only slowly and slowly, so repetition and remindance of the truth taught is always needed. (Lower in form, slower the process)
- It is not needed to meet them very long in a Bible Study meeting (e.g. 30 min. may be adequate for lower forms). Actually, don¡¥t make the meetings to long so that they feel bored in the meeting. The important thing is that in the meeting, small bit of truth is impacted in their mind.
- They want some teaching from some interesting topics from the Bible: e.g. Hell, heaven, Ghost, satan, the infallability of the Bible, the second coming of Christ, .........
- They need a simple Bible version that is easy to grasp its understanding
- They must be helped to digest the truth word by word and with many illustrations.
- The group members must all be friends so that open discussion is easy. It is better to be of the same sex in most of the time.
- They are quite impulsive and subject to their own emtions. So, their attendance would be flutuating. But after a few months, the attendance would be more stable.
- The Bible study meeting must be reminded to each one in the morning of the day of the Bible study.
- They always bring some new friends to attend the meeting. Never mind, just design your teaching so that the foundation truth can be taught.
- It is no need to push them to attend to a church in an early stage. After months of Bible study, many of them may then show interest in the church. It may be a harmful effect if we just push them to a church activities they don¡¥t enjoy.
Understanding the process of spiritual growth :
- The growth is gradual and may not be easy to be seen.
- Patience must be needed because they may appear more Godly at some time or another. They are fluctuating.
- The objective is to let them know more and more about the words of God. It is our success if we can impact a little more about the words of God in their hearts after the meeting. How they grow is none of your business. It is God who is in control ( I Cor 3:6-9)
- The syllabsus should be fexible and relevant to the standard of the students.
How to lead a Bible study :
- see the relevant documents attached
How about the syllabus:
- It should be very flexible and depends on the standard, progress and spirtual conditions of the students.
- It is not needed to teach so many points. Most importantly, the truth is impacted bit by bit to the students. (It is enough to study one or two verses each time in depth).
- The following areas can be taught:
1. Gospel 2. Basics of Christian life 3. Doctrines 4. Daily life 5. Social
6. Character 7. Others
Most importantly :
- Show your love and concern to them, your confidence and faith in God.
- Pray for them always.
Matt 4:19 (©M) C ¿q ¹ï ¥L Ì »¡ ¡G ¡u ¨Ó ¸ò ±q §Ú ¡M §Ú n ¥s §A Ì ±o ¤H ¦p ±o ³½ ¤@ ¼Ë ¡C ¡v